Trondheim Municipality is currently growing at a rate of 2-3,000 people a year, which means that by 2050 the population will have grown to about 250,000. That is 70,000 more than today. In several cases, the huge pressure on new housing has resulted in more or less random developments that are not guided by any overall master plan for the city.
The project ‘TRONDHEIM BY/NATUR’ (Trondheim city/nature) is a vision that seeks to bring city and nature together in a coherent network. The strategy ties the city’s infrastructure and landscape qualities together in a common urban development strategy. The vision revolves around the key themes of mobility, environment, public health, soil conservation and densification in multiple minor hubs.
A pragmatic vision that contains built-in short-term and long-term strategies. A flexible future plan for the city that can be implemented in stages between now and 2050.
26/07 2014