opening of the ‘Art of Many – the right to space’ exhibition at Utzon Center

opening of the ‘Art of Many – the right to space’ exhibition at Utzon Center

Under the heading ART OF MANY – THE RIGHT TO SPACE more than 130 Danish projects from 2000 onwards are presented in the form of physical architecture models. A Wunderkammer of existing buildings, as-yet-unrealized proposals and more speculative projects on every scale, all representing a new humanism in Danish architecture. An architecture that puts people first. Non-profit housing, public buildings, cultural and community-engaging institutions, diverse public spaces, new sustainable strategies and critical revisions of formal systems concepts and rigid planning.

 The common humanist point of departure for the projects is accentuated and addressed critically in a video installation featuring the Danish architect and urban planning critic Jan Gehl. An insightful look at more than fifty years of urban research and an evidence-based testament to the value of architecture and urban planning that is guided by basic human needs.

 The video installation and the newly arranged display of models is framed by five agendas: ‘Exit Utopia’, ‘Designing Life’, ‘Pro Community’, ‘Beyond Luxury’ and ‘Claiming Space’, which address the most essential issues for contemporary socially committed Danish architecture, each from a specific thematic perspective.


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Image credit: Utzon Center 2016