Presentation on urban development in Silkeborg

Presentation on urban development in Silkeborg

The city of Silkeborg is currently seeing a historical construction boom. New buildings rise up, roads are expanded, and urban squares and spaces are being transformed. This affects local everyday life and sparks debate. To address this development, the regional newspaper Midtjyllands Avis and the Silkeborg Municipality hosted a public debate at the theatre and event venue Jysk MusikTeater. Participants in the event received insight into the background of the current momentum, the city council’s urban development visions and plans and the consequences of the changes.


The programme also included contributions from Mayor Steen Vindum, Silkeborg Municipality; Curt Liliegreen, the Knowledge Centre for Housing Economics; Steen Konradsen, chairman of the association Skøn på Silkeborg (Appreciate Silkeborg); businessman Orla Madsen; and a panel of members of the city council. The debate was moderated by Editor-in-Chief Hans Krabbe, Midtjyllands Avis.